Christian Volunteer Work 

If you are looking for online Christian volunteer work, considering serving with Church Web Fund. Church Web Fun is a n0n-profit dedicated to helping under-resourced churches improve their online presence. You could use your knowledge of grant-wiriting and experience with customer service to help grow churches all over the country.

What is Church Web Fund

Church Web Fund works with churches to help bring the life-changing message of Jesus to every corner of the internet. Everyday thousands of people are searching online, but very few results connect those searching with the local church. This means searching souls remain disconnected from the church far from God.

Imagine if those searching for help with depression, or parenting, or any other significant need were connected with the local church? Imagine what would happen if the local church became known as a place to go for answers and help with many issues people search for online everyday? This can happen. The truth is many churches already have ministries ready to help with significant life issues. The problem is people in the community are unaware of these amazing programs. Church Web Fund works to update a church’s website to improve their online presence. This will help direct those searching towards the church’s website and increase overall web traffic.

Online Christian Volunteer 

Church Web Fund needs more volunteers helping the non-profit grow. Therefore, if you are looking for Christian volunteer work, considering helping out with Church Web Fund. You could help with grant-writing. You could also help connect with churches looking for the services of Church Web Fund. Or, you could help our company connect with churches or individuals interested in donating toward this amazing cause. As Church Web Fund grows, we will have more administrative and customer-oriented volunteer needs. But, overall, if you are looking for Christian volunteer work, consider spending your time with Church Web Fund. Your time and energy will make a huge difference in the life of every church you help.

In order to learn more, please contact us. We’d love to talk about various volunteer activities available at Church Web Fund.